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The Extravagant Flower Bouquets


The Extravagant Flower Bouquet is above and beyond what you can imagine. We create these with a mix of 5 flower types.

Dark and Lovely is a mix of darker, deeper, moody flowers.
Seasonal is a mix of florists’ favourites.
Classy and Aesthetic is a mix of elegant neutral tones.
Bright and Sweet is a cheerful mix of vivid colors.

*All flowers vary based on season and availability & all bouquets come artfully arranged and wrapped nicely.

Add a beautiful vase to any bouquets!

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Product Description

Brighten someone’s day or style out your own space with the cutest flower wrap around town. It’s always a great day for fresh flowers, and we’ve got the sweetest blooms to deliver sunshine to your door.

Flowers vary based on season and availability, but rest assured — our florists will select the freshest, most beautiful seasonal blooms for your wrap.

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